
Friday, December 20, 2013

The One With the Christmas Giveaway

Hello my lovelies!

As some of you might know, I am notoriously not into Christmas.  I'm not sure what it is (Well.. I am, but I won't bore you with the long explanation). :)

But if there is one thing that makes me smile this holiday season, it's the chance to say THANK YOU to you all for the life-changing year that was 2013.  It's been an incredible journey this year and I am thrilled and humbled that you have come along for the ride. I appreciate you reading my books, keeping up with my tweets, drawing me funny pictures, bringing gifts to me at signings, finding me pictures of hot guys with cats, and all the other wonderful things that you guys do for me on a regular basis.  In short, my fans are THE BEST and I love you all so very much!

Here's to hoping 2014 is just as fantastic! Here's what I've got coming up next year: 

SEEKING HER (a Finding It novella) that's from Jackson Hunt's POV
ALL LINED UP (the first book in my new Rusk University series pitched as a New Adult Friday Night Lights). 
Rusk University Book #2 (Title to be revealed later. But I'll tell you this... there's a bad boy involved).

Plus lots of fun events and conferences and perhaps a few surprises in the works. ;)

Now... even though the thought of eggnog and candy canes makes me want to stick my hand in a blender, I would like to give you guys a Christmas gift through an AWESOME CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY! 

Three winners will be chosen and this contest is open to my international fans as well. Enter through Rafflecoptor below. Merry Christmahanakwanzika! I love you guys! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The One with NAThanksgiving!

Hey Loves!

(Cue unrelated gifs because I'm too busy to find ones that make sense).

I am deep, deep, DEEP in the writing cave at the moment. (Cue at least one on topic gif representing how I'm feeling at the moment).

But I wanted to pop in an say HAPPY THANKSGIVING (almost)! And to say that you can now get e-book copies of the entire Losing It series for like eleven bucks. YEP. THAT'S RIGHT. There's an e-book boxed set of the whole series, just in time to push some awkward on everyone you know for christmas. :) 

And in honor of the release, I'm giving away a few copies! Just enter the rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And as if that were enough awesome, there's also an e-book boxed set of six of Harper Collins New Adult books! The boxed set contains Wait for You by J. Lynn, Losing It by ME, Taking Chances by Molly McAdams, A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers, Rule by Jay Crownover, and Foreplay by Sophie Jordan. I seriously love ALL these books, and you can't beat this price!

So, I'm totally going to give away some of those too!

But first, I want to take a minute and say how very thankful I am that New Adult is enough of a "thing" now that a major publisher is willing to do a boxed set like this. It's been a long journey from the time that I chose to self-publish Losing It because traditional publishers weren't open to NA. It's been a long journey since we all celebrated when the term started appearing in articles and in deal announcements.

We've come a long way, guys, and I am so thankful. Not just because I was lucky enough to have my books be a part of this explosion of awesomeness, but because I still believe whole-heartedly that we need NA stories. I've said this before, but when I was in college, I would have given anything to be able to easily find books about characters dealing with the transition to adulthood. At it's heart, one of fiction's chief purposes is to reach out to readers and say, "You're not alone." And in a period of life that is often stressful and joyful, terrifying and transformative, lovely and lonely-- I know there are readers out there who need these books. And there are authors who need to tell these stories.

So, this thanksgiving I'm thankful that twenty-somethings can now go to Barnes and Noble or Target or Books-a-Million, and they can find books about how difficult it can be to find yourself in a chaotic and challenging world.

I'm thankful for New Adult books and New Adult readers!

And even if Thanksgiving isn't a "thing" where you are... well you can still celebrate with us. Because we've already established that anything can become a "thing" if enough people believe in it.

Enter the giveaway below for your chance to win this New Adult bundle. And if you're so inclined, spread some NA love this week by thanking your favorite NA authors! And do it under the #NAThanksgiving hashtag, so we can all join in!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The One Where You Can Work With Me!

Hello out there! Calling all aspiring authors!!! I have awesome news!

So you guys might not know this, but before I started writing full time, I had my hand in few projects with books. I was a YA book blogger, an MFA in Creative Writing Student, and I worked remotely for a small indie publisher and a literary agency.

I always wanted to be an author, but I also loved everything about books and knew the best way to give myself a step up into this career was to learn as much as I could about every facet of the business. Now, these days I only write. Between deadlines and signings, there just isn't time to do anything else but be an author. And though being an author is a dream come true, I can't deny that I sometimes miss other aspects of my previous jobs.

One of the best feelings in the world was to be able to find an unpublished manuscript that I loved and do my best to take it from manuscript to published book. By nature, I am a book pusher. I love recommending books to friends and family (and complete strangers).

And now I have an opportunity to do that one more time! If you're an aspiring writer, you might be aware of the incomparable Brenda Drake. An author and a blogger, Brenda also goes out of her way several times a year to run contests to help connect writers to potential agents and publishers. One such contest is known as Pitch Wars.

Here's the low down on how it works: Brenda has assembled a team of published and soon-to-be published authors along with industry professionals to act as mentors (and yes, I am one of them)! If you have a finished manuscript, you can submit your pitches to up to FOUR mentors for consideration. Each mentor will choose one manuscript (along with two alternates) that they believe in to take on to the next stage of the competition. As mentor, I'll work with my chosen author on both their manuscript and their pitch to help them get ready for the Agent round where esteemed literary agents will request the work that interests them. Alternates will be advised just on their pitch and first page.

This contest has the potential to propel you from aspiring writer to agented writer and then to published author, should your work be chosen. More than that, it's a chance to have someone like me, who's already on this path, guide and advise you on the next steps to take. Writing can be a lonely business. I cannot overemphasize how awesome this contest is! There are tons of fantastic mentors to choose from, so you'll definitely want to visit all of their blogs to find out which mentor is the best for you!

Here's what you need to know about me:


Cora Carmack is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Losing It series, and one of the early pioneers of the New Adult category.  She's a twenty-something author who likes to write about twenty-something characters finding their way through this wacky and wonderful thing we call life. She's also a giant nerd. Fair warning.


  • My primary category is New Adult, since that's what I do, but I'm also an avid YA reader. I'm open to both for the purposes of this contest. 
  • For YA: I read all subgenres: Fantasy, Contemporary, Historical, etc. In particular, I'd love to see unique YA High fantasy, magical realism, and/or contemporary with a literary or humorous bent. I tend to prefer stories with a romantic element, though it doesn't have to be the primary plot of the story. Some favorite YA books of mine in various subgenres are: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly, The Girl of Fire and Thorns series by Rae Carson, anything by Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson, anything by Ally Carter, and Grave Mercy by RL LaFevers. Character is the most important thing for me when reading. I want to know who your character is, what drives them, and what sets them apart from everyone else. And the name of the game in YA these days is UNIQUE. It's a crowded market, and to make me pay attention, I have to feel like your story is something I've never seen before. 

  • For NA: I write NA contemporary romance, so that's obviously something I'm open to. Character and voice are absolutely key in New Adult. Dialogue needs to feel realistic to the age of the characters. It's not enough for the characters to be college-aged, they need to be dealing with issues that are prominent for people transitioning from their teenage years to adulthood. I love humorous NA because there's just not enough of it out there. I'm also a sucker for a book with artistic/creative elements (Theatre, film, music, dance, art, etc). Like YA, NA contemporary romance is a saturated market, so I'm not likely to request anything that sounds like a recycled version of something that's already out there. It would take a really unique premise to make me choose something in the whole bad boy/broken girl healed by a relationship cliche. I'm looking for something with strong romantic elements, but also an interesting premise outside the romance. This does NOT have to translate to sex. I could care less how much or how little sex there is in your NA. Not to be a broken record but I just care about your story being UNIQUE. I'm totally up for non-contemporary NA-- paranormal, scifi, etc-- though I'd be most interested in NA speculative fiction with a prominent romance and fantasy grounded in reality. Some of my favorite NA is by authors like J. Lynn, K.A. Tucker, Colleen Hoover, Lisa Desrochers,  and Jeaniene Frost.
What I'm NOT looking for:
  • BABIES. I love those cute, cuddly little buggers as much as the next person who gets to play with the adorable thing and then send it home to it's mommy. But I am not the right person for books with pregnancies or happily ever after baby-filled epilogues. 
  • Books where someone cheats and it's totally okay. I can't say I will NEVER enjoy a book that has cheating in it, but I've yet to find one that didn't make me want to tear out my hair, so there's that. 
  • Heroines with no backbone. I'm not saying your heroine can't have insecurities or weaknesses or make mistakes. But they need to have a backbone about something. If they suck at love, fine. But make them passionate and hardcore about a job or a hobby or whatever.
  • Ironic as it is, I'm a romance writer who's not much of a romantic. I'm cynical and independent. So, I'm not likely to connect with characters whose only want in life is to fall in love. 
  • I'm a character-driven author and reader, so I tend to prefer books with one POV where I can really delve into that character, though I can handle two POVs in a romance. But if you've got more than two POVs, each of those characters better be A-MAZING, or you'll lose my interest fast. 
Now, if you made it through those massive descriptions, here are some other things you can expect from me as a mentor:

  • Harry potter references. Possibly sprinkled with the occasional mention of Doctor Who, The Vampire Diaries, Hunger Games, Battlestar Galactica, and/or Game of Thrones. 

  • Gushy fangirling over everything I love in your manuscript. Probably with a whole bunch of these !!!!!!!!

  • Honest and realistic advice on your manuscript and your career. This is a tough business, and plenty of fantastic writers never see their work published. I'm not going to tiptoe around issues or challenges in your manuscript. This is a business, and we will definitely treat it as such. As your mentor, I'll be thinking like an agent, an editor, a publicist, and a reader, and we'll aim to make your book as successful as possible in each of those areas. 
  • If I like your work, I can promise I'll be an advocate of your work long after this contest ends. Sorry. You'll be stuck with me. :)
  • On the flip side, I'm a working author. I write 4-6 books a year and travel extensively for signings, events, and conferences. I sought out Brenda for this contest because I want to help the next class of emerging authors. And I'm SO excited to get started. BUT... I don't have the time to hold your hand every step of the way. So, if you feel like your manuscript still needs a lot of work (or you just know you're a needy person), you might be better off with another mentor. 
  • I'll also be tweeting under the #Pitchwars hashtag on twitter some more likes, dislikes, and insight in the days leading up to submission day. So make sure you're following me!
If I haven't scared you away yet... AWESOMEPANTS. Here's the schedule for the contest: 

  • 11/20 Mentor’s post bios and wishlists
  • 12/2: Submission Window
  • 12/3 -12/10: Mentors read their applications
  • 12/11: Mentor’s announce their picks
  • 12/11 -1/17: Mentors work with their writers
  • 1/22-1/23 Agent Round
NOTE: Pay attention to that submission window up there. It's one day only! So, you'll definitely want to be following Brenda's blog to make sure you read all the submission guidelines and don't miss any pertinent information leading up to submission day. 

And now, for the SUPER exciting part... the agents! I can attest to the awesomeness of several of these agents personally, including my own SuperNinjaAgentofAwesome, Suzie Townsend. 

1.       LouiseFury – Bent Agency

2.       SuzieTownsend – New Leaf Literary

3.       NicoleResciniti - The Seymour Agency

5.       SarahLaPolla – Bradford Literary Agency

9.       QuinlanLee - Adams Literary
14.   LanaPopovic and Natasha Alexis - Zachary Shuster Harmsworth

And last, but certainly not least, check out the list of mentors! You only get to pick FOUR mentors to submit your work to. So, choose carefully. Pay attention to their likes and dislikes. Give yourself the best possible shot of getting chosen by choosing the mentors who seem most compatible with your work! 

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And now... go forth and prepare! I wish you all the luck!! Can't wait to hear all about your work!

Monday, November 18, 2013

The One with the Seeking Her Cover


It's time for a new cover reveal! 

FINDING IT has been out just over a month and some of you might be feeling a little bit like this... 

The good news for you for you Jackson Hunt fans is that you haven't seen the last of him! On January 28th, there is a novella releasing from his point of view! 

It's a sort of prequel. It starts a few weeks before the opening of Finding It, and then overlaps with the beginning of that book. So you'll get both new content and a few Finding It scenes from his pov. 




Here's the official copy: 

SEEKING HER by Cora Carmack

A few months after being honorably discharged from the military, Jackson Hunt is still struggling to adjust back to the real world. He needs to get a job and find a sense of normalcy if he’s going to keep his own demons at bay. The job that falls into his lap, though, is anything but normal. 

Bodyguard (and baby-sitter) to spoiled-rich-girl Kelsey Summers isn’t exactly what he’d been looking for, but it’s a chance to travel, to get away from the home that has felt stifling ever since his return. It would be a pretty sweet gig if it weren’t for the fact that Kelsey’s father doesn’t want Kelsey to know she’s being followed. Hunt feels guilty (and a little bit creepy) as he watches her from afar. She’s vibrant and infuriating, exciting and reckless, mysterious and familiar. When he sees her falling into the same patterns that he suffered years ago, he decides it’s time to stop watching and help her instead. But getting to know her is more difficult than he thought, especially because the more he knows her, the more he wants her.


ISN'T IT SO PRETTY? I love the colors and Kelsey, and everything about it.

And... one more Klaus gif because REASONS. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

The One Where Finding It is ON SALE!

Hello my lovelies!

Just popping in to say OMG FINDING IT IS ON SALE FOR $1.99!! It's currently on sale on B&N and Amazon.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Jackson Hunt is my favorite book boyfriend from the Losing It series. I know! I know! Garrick has an accent and Cade is the sweetest guy EVER. But Jackson is a mystery, and as Kelsey says in the book, "Women love a mystery. But only if we think we can figure it out." 

Jackson is strong and brooding, but he can also be silly and fun. And more than anything... he's a good person. I can't wait for you all to read his novella, Seeking Her, in January! 

And if you're new to the entire series, I have GREAT news! Just in time for the holidays, we're releasing an a boxed set of the Losing It series, which includes the e-books for Losing It, Faking It, Finding It, and the novella Keeping Her. The Losing It bonus scenes from Garrick's POV that I posted on my blog will also be published for the first time in this omnibus edition! All in all, it's over ONE THOUSAND pages of awkward humor, swoony men, and happy endings for just eleven bucks! 

But right now, in honor of Jackson and Kelsey and this fantastic Finding It sale, I think it's time for a giveaway! 

So... help me spread the news about Finding It, and you could win: 

*A grand prize which includes a signed Finding it Paperback and this awesome journal>>>>>

The journal will include a personal note from me, and has been signed by the following best-selling authors: Me (obviously), Jennifer L. Armentrout, Katy Evans, Colleen Hoover, Abbi Glines, Tammara Webber, Molly McAdams, Tina Reber, Rebecca Donovan, KA Tucker, Jay Crownover, Nyrae Dawn, Michelle A. Valentine, KA Linde, Jillian Dodd, Sophie Jordan, Lisa Desrochers, Christina Lee, Michele Scot, Toni Aleo, and KA Robinson. 

(Pretty awesome, right?)

*Ten people will also win an e-book copy of Finding It

So, if you want to win, check out the rafflecopter below! <3 <3 <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The One With Foreplay

It's Friday Flash Fiction time!

On select Fridays, I'm going to make a post on my Facebook page calling for writing prompts. You can pick any character from my books-- main characters like Garrick or Cade or minor characters like Rusty and Spencer. Comment on my post with that character's name and then a place or object for a prompt. Heck, you can even post things like songs or pictures. Anything you'd like to see me write. Then, I'll pick one and write just a fast and fun little snippet to post here on my blog.

Today's prompt comes from Cohlina: Bliss and Garrick in the bar where they first met

So, without further ado, here's my Flash Fiction Friday entry #4

(This week was a hard choice... there were SEVERAL awesome prompts. Feel free to repost your prompt next time if yours didn't get picked). 


WARNING PART TWO: This is unedited. So, if there are errors, don't judge me. 

NOTE: This is NOT an excerpt from LOSING IT, KEEPING HER, or some future book. This is special, original content just because I love you guys.

P.S. The book that gets mentioned is Foreplay by Sophie Jordan, which just released this week and is awesome!

I fiddled with the little black straw in my drink, and resisted the urge to tug on the disastrously short mini-skirt that I swore I would never wear. The bartender came up to check on me, and asked if I wanted another. I shook my head, wanting a clear head for the evening.
It wasn’t the same Bartender Boy as that night, but it might as well have been. He was the same type—all smiles and winks and too charming for me to feel comfortable.
Maybe it was the anticipation making me crazy, but I swore I could feel it the second he caught sight of me at the corner of the bar. A zing of electricity shot down my spine, sparking low in my belly. I didn’t sit in our old table, wanting him to have to work a little bit.
Still... sitting on the barstool, I felt on display.
But I didn’t mind. Not for him.
I felt the barest touch against one of my curls before the seat beside me was filled. His long fingers picked up a napkin before placing it back on the bar carefully. I smiled down at the book in my hands. I hadn’t read more than one paragraph since I sat down, too distracted, but he didn’t know that.
“That must be some book you’re reading,” he said, his accent smooth and sinful.
I looked up at his gorgeous face and the blue eyes that captured me all those months ago, and the butterflies in my stomach lurched forward, splatting against my ribcage like moths that didn’t know any better but to dive toward the light.
“It is,” I answered with a smile. “Very… interesting.”
He leaned forward to catch the title of what I was reading, and his jaw went slack. He’d expected Shakespeare, no doubt, and I’d been eagerly awaiting his reaction to my slight detour from our history.
The way his gaze darkened when it swung to me told I’d made the right choice. He leaned closer, and his knee brushed the bare skin of my thigh, and I had to close my eyes to keep my reaction under control.
“Tell me what this interesting read is about. Let me guess… something forbidden?”
His voice dropped low, and I’m suddenly remembering every stolen kiss— from the first in this very bar to the one in the theatre and in my apartment and the computer lab. I’m remembering every other time those dark eyes were directed at me, so full of passion and restraint.
Only there was far less restraint in his eyes tonight than I remembered.
I bit my lip, wanting to make him wait for it. “Not a forbidden love. Not this time.”
His eyes narrowed on me. “Then what is it about, love?”
My legs go weak at the endearment even after all this time.
Knowing it would drive him crazy, I didn’t meet his gaze. Instead, I latched on to Bartender Boy, who caught my stare and started moving my direction.
“It’s about a really hot bartender.”
When Bartender Boy was a few yards away, a low rumble sounded in Garrick’s chest, and he pulled me off the barstool and against his chest. When his lips crashed against mine, I figured the game was pretty much over, so I threw my arms around his neck in acceptance.
His tongue split my lips as his hands wandered down. One ghosted over my hip and down to my thigh, fingering the short hem of the blasted skirt he’s so obsessed with.
He pulls my bottom lip between his, scraping his teeth against it.
“I am bloody tired of fighting bartenders off of you,” he breathed against my lips.
I rolled my eyes. “Like any of them would stand a chance against you.”
He must have liked the sound of that because he tugged me in for another hard kiss before pulling me away from the bar and toward the table that had set everything in motion.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The One Where Hunt Gets Protective

Hello my loves!

 It's Friday Flash Fiction time!

 Every Friday, I'm going to make a post on my Facebook page calling for writing prompts. You can pick any character from my books-- main characters like Garrick or Cade or minor characters like Rusty and Spencer. Comment on my post with that character's name and then a place or object for a prompt. Heck, you can even post things like songs or pictures. Anything you'd like to see me write. Then, I'll pick one and write just a fast and fun little snippet to post here on my blog.

So far we've had one for Max/Cade and one for Bliss/Garrick. So, I figured it was only fair to do Hunt and Kelsey this week.

Today's prompt comes from Susi: Hunt in Naples with pizza.

So, without further ado, here's my Flash Fiction Friday entry #3


WARNING PART TWO: This is unedited. So, if there are errors, don't judge me.

NOTE: This is NOT an excerpt from Finding It or Seeking Her. This is special, original content just because I love you guys.

It’s the simple things in life that comprise the difference between existing and living.

I had a lot of practice existing. Just scraping by. Surviving.

Waking up with Kelsey’s blonde hair tickling my chest? Living.

The way she kept glancing at me between snapping pictures of the Naples street? Living.

Staring at her between bites of the single best slice of pizza I’d ever tasted? Definitely living.

Kelsey snapped another picture, and her eyes met mine. I didn’t bother looking away. I was way past pretending I wasn’t obsessed with her. The sun glinted off her golden hair, and she looked at me through long lashes. She bit her lip to stifle a smile, and snapped another picture on her phone.

My eyes were trailing down the smooth column of her neck, studying the way the angles of her collarbone gave way to the soft curve of cleavage that peeked out of her shirt, when Kelsey said, “Uh-oh.”

On high alert, my eyes snapped up. “Uh-oh? Uh-oh what?”

She looked across the table at the lone slice of pizza in my hand.

“We’re done, right? You can eat that while we walk?”

She stood up, hastily gathering her things from their table on the café sidewalk.

“Uh, sure.”

I reached for my wallet, but she threw down some cash, and grabbed my elbow. I barely had time to snatch what was left of my pizza before she was tugging me away.

“What’s got your panties in a twist, princess?”

She rolled her eyes, but then glanced over her shoulder and picked up her pace. I looked backward too, no longer in a joking mood. What had her in such a panic?

Tension climbed up my spine, and I focused scanning the area around us for threats. I didn’t see anything.

“Kelsey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Kelsey,” I warned.

She sighed. “Remember when you told me to stop taking pictures of possible mafia members?”

A smile pulled at my lips.

She continued, “Well, I didn’t listen. And now some giant dude with pythons for arms is glaring at me because he saw me taking pictures of him.”

I laughed. “And what? You think he’s going to come after you? Murder you and dump your body in an alley?”


“Oh man, don’t look now.”

“What?” she paled.

“He’s coming after us. We need to run.”

“He’s what?

She whipped around, her hair fanning out around her. I took one look at her wide-eyed gaze and burst into laughter.

She searched the crowd for a few moments, and when she saw no suited man following us, she smacked my arm.

“That’s not funny!”

I laughed harder. She threw her arms up and turned away from me. I used her elbow to pull her back and sideways into an alley.

“What are you doing?”

I pressed her back against the brick building and murmured into her neck, “Hiding you from the mafia.”

She scoffed, and I could hear the sarcasm before she even spoke. “Oh, yeah. You’re intentions are completely protective.”

I opened my mouth against her pulse point and tasted her sensitive skin. She shivered, her hands clenching on my shoulders.

“I’m always protective of what’s mine.” 

Friday, October 18, 2013

The One Where You Don't Need a Golden Ticket

So, since the release of Finding It, I've heard much lamenting about the super special "Golden Ticket" versions of Finding It. If you don't know what I'm talking about, give this a read.

I've heard epic tales of people searching as many as EIGHT Target stores trying to find those rare copies that would earn them a chance to have their name (or a name of their choice) in one of my future books. So far, I've only heard of one special copy that's been found. I have been so impressed and flattered by everyone's mad searching. And after talking to my editor and publicists, we decided to do something a little special. A wildcard "Golden Ticket" if you will.

We wanted to give everyone a shot to win their name in a book, not just those who live near a Target Store. We wanted to open this up to people who've bought the book from other stores, or were unable to find a golden ticket copy, or who maybe live outside the US.

So, if you're interested in having your name in one of my books, this contest is for you! 

(That's me in Prague being a nerd on a playground. A playground that might sound familiar if you've read Chapter 14). 

Okay, here's the deal:

Step One: Buy a copy of the book. This can be a print copy or an e-book copy on your e-reader (though a print copy will be more conducive to this task). 

Step Two: Take a picture of the book (or your e-reader with the book cover showing) in some place weird, wacky, or wonderful. It can be someplace you think Kelsey and Jackson should visit someday. Or it can just be someplace silly that will make people laugh. GET CREATIVE. 

Step Three: Send me your picture in an email to findingfindingit(at)gmail(dot)com with a short description that includes the location and an explanation of the picture and why you chose to "find it" there. NOTE: You MUST send me your picture by 12PM EDT on TUESDAY, OCT 22ND. So, don't delay! Get those pictures in fast. There is a limit of TWO pictures per person. If you send in more than two, the first two sent will be used and the rest deleted. 

Step Four: On Wednesday, October 23rd, I will post all of the submitted photos in an album on my facebook fanpage. Whichever photo has the most likes on Sunday October 27th at 11:59 EDT, will be the winner! Whoever submitted the winning photo will have a character named after them in a future book. AND... you'll get a twenty minute Skype visit with me to ask me whatever questions you want. It will also give me a chance to get to know you, so I can get inspired for your character. ;)

That's it! Take a picture. Email it. Spread the word to gain likes. 

Here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • The photos most likely to get the most likes will be the most unique and creative ones in the bunch. So, think outside the box. 
  • We'll be posting your photo description along with the photo, so it doesn't hurt to get creative with that, too. 
  • You're welcome to be in the photo if you want, but you certainly don't have to. 
  • Any photos submitted after 12PM EDT on Tuesday WILL NOT be accepted. No matter how awesome they are. 
  • The photos will be posted all at the same time on my page, so they'll all get the same amount of time and start on equal footing. 
  • Any edition of Finding It (print or ebook) is eligible to win. 

I'm looking forward to see what cool pictures you guys come up with! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The One with Super Cool Visitors

So.... This happened.


Finding It had a FANTASTIC release day on Tuesday. I cannot even begin to describe how overwhelmingly wonderful it was to see all the pictures from people picking up their copies. In particular, the search for the Super Special (or as Twitter fondly called it "Golden Ticket") Target copies was one of the coolest things  the coolest thing EVER! If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this

And I think I'm still kind of in shock about seeing all three books together. It's a crazy, amazing thing, and it doesn't feel real. And so many people have messaged me to tell me how much they loved the book. An overwhelming number have called it their favorite of the series, and every time it loosens one of those scary-release-day-knots in my stomach. 

If you haven't picked up your copy of Finding It yet, I hope you'll check out the Signed Special Edition at Target. Not only does it have my signature, but also a deleted scene. And more than that, Target has been really fantastic about supporting New Adult authors and the category as a whole. And I think we all hope that will continue! If you've got your copy, I can't wait to hear what you think of Kelsey's story! And Jackson, too, of course! Especially since he's getting his own novella (Seeking Her) in January! It's a sort-of-prequel. And by that I mean, it picks up a few weeks before the opening scene of Finding It with all new material, and then the last half of the novella overlaps with the beginning of Finding It, meaning you'll get those early scenes from his POV. 

But enough about me... 

As fantastic as this release week has been so far, I'm actually popping in to tell you about another new release! One of the best things about being an author is getting to meet other authors (most of which I TOTALLY fangirl over). Two such amazing authors that I've had the pleasure of meeting are Steph Campbell and Liz Reinhardt. And when we discovered that we were sharing a release day, we decided to do something special! 

They've just released the newest novella in their Lengths series, Riptides. If you haven't read this series, you need to jump on it ASAP! Though this one can be read as a stand alone, FYI. It's all about Enzo, a super hot surfer dude. And MAN... can I just say that I TOTALLY have the hots for Enzo! Here's a little more about his story: 

Enzo Rodriguez doesn't take much seriously--unless it involves waves, boards, or good beer.

When too-hot-to-handle Jessica Mills strolls into his life, Enzo is willing to forego all of those things for every second he can spend with her.

But Jessica has a huge secret--and when it’s revealed, it not only crushes Enzo, but has the last person he wants to ask a favor of--his brother-in-law Adam--bailing him out of jail.

Enzo is convinced that the only way to mend his bruised ego and heart, is to pack his bags and leave the turbulent waters of Silver Strand...for good. 

And in honor of this new book, I've invited Liz and Steph to the blog to answer some fun questions! Here's the interview below: 

1. So I know you guys probably get this A LOT, but I just had to ask because I’m so curious. What’s the BEST part of writing with a partner? And the WORST? How do you decide who writes what? Is one of you the slave driver of the bunch? Give me all the juicy details!

Liz: We DO get this question all the time...but you’re lucky we like you, because we’re gonna give you all the deets! Best part: STEPH CAMPBELL. Seriously, my best friend and heterolifemate. Steph and I have gone through the very best and very worst of publishing together, and it’s been sheer, total joy to get to do this with her. Sometimes I go into a cold sweat thinking that I ever did this WITHOUT her. She inspires me with her gorgeous writing and is a kindred soul to bounce my ideas and passions off of. Steph never, ever says ‘no’ to any wild/crazy idea I might come up with, and I am always shaky with excitement when she calls and says, “I know this might be crazy, but maybe we should write this…”

The worst part? Steph and I both come from Irish Catholic backgrounds and we’re moms, so we deal with a lot of pre-programmed life guilt at all times. When you write your own book, you put on your big girl pants and do what you need to do. And you accept the criticism as gracefully as you can. But when there’s another person depending on you, it’s incredibly upsetting when you don’t do well. You feel very, very responsible, even when you know full well you did your very best. I never want to let Steph down, and that drives me to work extremely hard on our projects.

STEPH:  I’m sort of a control freak, so to have found someone (Liz) that I trust so implicitly not only business wise, but with my art has been amazing and unexpected.

I’d definitely say I’m the slave driver of the pair. I tend to do more of our outlines and calendering and the detail type work. Liz has learned to laugh at me and/or roll with it when I get mildly obsessive. As for who writes what, it varies and we’ve tried it all the ways! In one book, we split characters and each wrote one, no deviation. In another, we wrote whichever character and whichever scene we were feeling that day and skipped all around. It’s fun to try different things with each project, and we *hope* we’re doing it in a fairly seamless way to where you can’t tell who is writing at any given point. :)

2. One of the things I feel like you guys do so well is character and family. Everyone has their own unique traits and yet they fit together so well. So, what I want to know is for the main characters in your books (especially Enzo from Riptides), what high school yearbook superlatives would they have won?  (Ex: Most likely to Succeed, Friendliest, Most likely to be a Reality TV Star, etc)

Why thank you, Cora!

Deo- Most Likely to Have a Restraining Order Against Him for Constantly Hugging
Cohen- Most Likely to Be Sweet on the Streets, Alpha in the Sheets
Adam- Most Likely to Kick Ass and Take Names...While Solving Scientific Mysteries
Enzo-  Most Likely to Break Free from the Family Business
Whit - Most Likely to Disappear After High School and Become a Tattooed Freak
Hattie - Most Likely to Take Over (and Organize) the World...All of It
Genevieve - Sexiest Heels for EVERY Occasion
Maren - Most Likely To Defend Her Man in the Zombie Apocalypse

3. If we could bring Enzo to life for a day, what would you three do together? Or would he abandon you all to go surfing? ;)

Liz: Wait. Will children read this blog? Bwahaha! Just kidding ;)! Enzo would take us out dancing and show us all his moves. He’d bring us to his mother’s house and we’d have a Mexi-kosher meal that would blow our minds. And, of course, he’d take us surfing! I’m a huge klutz and can barely swim, so I’d have to grip onto his big, muscled arms!

4. What Hogwarts houses would you be in? What about Enzo? Any other characters you’d like to mention?

STEPH: No question, Lydia is Slytherin all the way. Genevieve is Ravenclaw. Deo, could be a Hufflepuff spokesperson, I’m convinced. Our Rodriguez boys, Cohen and Enzo are definitely Gryffindors: loyal and chivalrous (and sexy as hell...that’s a prerequisite according to the Sorting Hat, right?)

5. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. *it happens* Which of your characters dies first? Who would you want by your side fighting zombies? Who goes off searching for a cure? Who completely loses it? Who is thebrains behind keeping your group alive? (Can you tell I’ve been marathoning The Walking Dead).

You and Cohen both! He’s obsessed! And would be the brains keeping them all alive, because that boy is the ultimate alpha when he needs to be! Maren would be by his side, since he’s prepared her with hours of zombie movies/what if scenarios.

 Poor Deo goes first...he’s too busy cracking jokes a la Bill Murray in ZOMBIELAND to take the attack seriously. Whit is who I want by my side, because after Deo gets eaten, she’s a killing machine hell-bent on vengeance! Ryan backs her up with all his training and skills. Genevieve loses it...she can’t wear her heels, there is no beach time, and Adam has to leave her to go cure the disease!

Hattie and Adam team up to get the cure and administer it. And those zombies don’t stand a CHANCE!


6. In Riptides, we get a lot of surfing and baking (including one particularly delicious scene back in the kitchen… YOU KNOW which one I mean). Are either of you bakers? Surfers? I had an easy bake oven once… *blinks*

Liz: I am an uncoordinated blind bat who burns everything! Steph is the surfing, baking hero of my life! I depend on her for all that inspiration and knowledge. And also to feed me. And to explain how movement works. I’m very, very co-dependent. (But I’m totally willing to use my kitchen like Enzo my husband is very cool with my complete lack of baking skills ;)!)

STEPH: I cheat, in that I love to bake, but I don’t have a sweet tooth at all. So I bake constantly, but pass it all off to other people to devour. :) I’m from So Cal, so I’ve surfed a handful of times, but nothing major (unless you consider my lack of coordination major. Which it is. Eep!)

Thanks so much for having us, Cora! We’re both STOKED for the release of FINDING IT! 

Ahhh.... I seriously love those girls! They write such strong characters. Their books are fun and smart (my favorite kind). I hope you'll check them out! And drool over Enzo with me! :)