Thursday, March 28, 2013

The One with the Laughs


LOSING IT is officially available in print in the UK!

Can we just take a moment and celebrate the pretties? (Photo courtesy of Kayleigh of K-Books)

And possibly the BEST moment of today? This AWESOME trailer that Ebury (the UK Publisher) made. I laughed SO HARD. 


So. Um. I love you all. 

That's it. 


In Awkward <3, 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The One with the THIRD Teaser!

Oh hey y'all (there's my Texas roots showing)! 

GUESS WHAT? We hit 2,000 likes on Facebook, and now it's time for a reward! So, without further ado, here's the third teaser from Cade's upcoming book, FAKING IT. This particular section is from Cade's POV, too (You're welcome). 

In sleep, Max looked younger, softer. She had long eyelashes that rested against her cheeks. Her nose was small and turned up slightly at the end. Even sleeping, she had the sexiest lips I had ever seen. Full and slightly puckered, it was like they were calling to me. And I couldn’t stop thinking about her saying she wasn’t sorry I kissed her.
Not that it mattered. She was taken.
I was doomed to always be attracted to the girls I couldn’t have.
Plus, what she’d told me earlier … it couldn’t have been easy. I could tell how raw the memories left her, and the last thing I wanted was to take advantage of that tenderness.
I was about to nudge her awake when her eyes opened, and she caught me staring at her. She blinked a few times and then her eyes narrowed on me. She sat up and slid to the complete opposite side of the bed.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
Whatever closeness we’d gained earlier didn’t appear to have carried over through her nap. The walls were back up and I was still on the outside.
“I swear it’s not as creepy as it looks.”
“Said the serial killer to the police.” 

Thank you all so much! If you haven't like my facebook page already, please do so now! When we hit 3,000 likes I'll do another something special. Maybe a giveaway or something Garrick-related. *Waggles eyebrows* 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The One with the Excerpt

Read an excerpt of Chapter One of LOSING IT, the UK edition!
Published by Ebury Press

Note: If you read the original U.S. Version, only minor changes have been made to make it more suitable to a UK audience. So don't worry, you're not missing anything new.

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

The One Where I Die of Excitement

I'm full of announcements for you guys today!

First up-- I'll be doing flash giveaways on Twitter and Facebook all weekend for signed paperback copies of LOSING IT (International)! So if you're not following me, you should fix that.

And now, more foreign rights news!

Italian rights to Cora Carmack's NYT and USA Today bestselling book LOSING IT, to Anordest, by Silvia Ascoli at Luigi Bernabo Associates, in association with Kathleen Ortiz at New Leaf Literary & Media on behalf of Suzie Townsend.

And... that's not all! I have a new Appearance/Signing to add to my schedule! I'm so glad to tell you I'll be visiting LA with an AMAZING group of Authors! Check it out!

GAH. Look at that! So much AMAZING in one place. If you're not familiar with all of these authors, get familiar! Because I am so excited I could just die! 

WELL... I will have some more appearances to add soon, so keep an eye here! Now I better get back to writing.