
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt!

The Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt will run from TODAY until midnight on SUNDAY (19th July). To enter to win FORTY signed paperbacks by a wide range of authors PLUS $30 worth of Amazon Gift Cards, simply hop around ALL participating stops, collect all of the highlighted numbers, add them together, and then go enter the requested details along with your calculated answer in the ENTRY FORM. You can find more information on how the stop works HERE. All stops will direct you to the next place to hop across to. And don’t worry if you get lost, because the entire list of participating authors can be found HERE.

There was a time, not many months ago, when I didn't believe that summer would ever exist. Call it what you want - Snowpocalypse, Snowmageddon, Polor Vortex, Hibernation- this past winter was brutal. 

 But there was a light at the end of the HOLY CRAP I'M SO COLD tunnel! And now...

And now all I want to do is be at the beach or by a pool with a good book (or several) and a margarita (or several).

So without further ado... Here are my top five reads for this summer! 

FIVE WAYS TO FALL by K.A. Tucker- I've already checked this one off my list. It's hot and sweet and set in Florida. There's beaches and margaritas and Florida oranges-- you can't get much more summery than that!

THE RULE OF SCOUNDRELS series by Sarah Maclean- I'll admit. I'm a newbie to Historical Romance. My mom read a lot of it when I was younger, and I was too weirded out to read it with her. But now I'm playing catch- up and I freaking LOVE Sarah's books. They're hilarious and smart and so very good!

EVERYTHING by Tessa Bailey- No... Everything is not the name of a book. I recently devoured pretty much everything Tessa has written, and they were the perfect sinful and fun summer reads. And I wouldn't be surprised if I reread several of them before Summer's end! 

SCORING WILDER by R.S. Grey- I've not read this one yet, but it sounds so awesome that my fingers are itching for it! I've not read anything by R.S. Yet either, so I'm excited to check out a new author!

WHITE HOT KISS by Jennifer L. Armentrout- *ducks* I know it's criminal that I haven't read this book yet. I am a super fangirl for all things JLA, and this little beauty is definitely on my to do list for this summer. Jen's books are always witty, and swoon-worthy, and imaginative. And I can't wait! 

Welp... There's my summer reads. Lots of sexiness up there, friends. 

What's on your to-read list this summer? Answer in the comments below for your chance to win this swag pack from Paranormal Romance author, J.A. Belfield! 

And now here's your hunt info! 

Scavenger hunt number: 32

Your next stop on the scavenger hunt is the one and only Wendy Higgins! Seriously... I effing LOVE Wendy and her books. If you haven't read them... What are you waiting for? 

Or, if you have all of your numbers and are ready to enter, then hop across to the Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt Entry Form.


  1. I have Kristin Ashely's The Promise, Robin York's Deeper, and Elisabeth Naughton's Extreme Measures...and I'll easily add anything with a pretty cover.

  2. I'm currently reading book two of Stacey Marie Brown's Darkness series. I have multiple books going at the same time (depending on my mood) but I want to finish the third book this summer as well :)

  3. White Hot Kiss- Jennifer Armentrout, Sixth Grave on the Edge- Darynda Jones, Sweet Reckoning- Wendy Higgins... and that's just to start...

  4. Let's Get Lost sounds like the perfect summer novel, so that's definitely on my list!

  5. How fun is this!!!!! Im reading Sticks and Stones by Shawn McGuire

  6. I'm reading the same sorts of things I usually read: my favorite authors' new releases, when I can work them in around reviews. I'm going to try to read Jonathan Kellerman's new release this month. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

  7. i would love to have white hot kiss on my liss but so far i have: accidentally in love with a vampire, as well as in bed with an highlander and for the rest i will see what my mood leads me into

    thank you for this giveaway ( international i hope)


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Right now I have Paranoia by J.R. Johansson my summer reading list and Charmed Vengeance by Suzanne Lazear :)


  10. I am reading Sweet Surrender by Maya Banks and wait for the next Luxe book by Jennifer L. Armentrout to come out.

  11. On my to read list this summer is finish City of bones series by Cassandra Clare, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, Sister by Rosamund Lupton, Paranoia by J.R. Johansson and many more. I have about 120 books on my TBR couch and I would like to finish at least 75% this summer.

    White Hot Kiss and the Ten Tiny Breaths series look really good! I think those'll be my next new books added to my TBR list.


  12. I have way too many books on my summer TBR list. Promise Me This by Sarah Ashley Jones, Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid, and What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick are at the top, though!


  13. So many books to read this summer! Scoring Wilder is on my TBR for this summer too! As well as all the books I purchased at Book Bash and the ones I've one clicked since then. ;)

  14. So many books and not enough time! I am currently reading Before You by Amber Hart and How To Fall by Jane Casey, Thank you

  15. There are a lot of books on my reading list, some of them are: The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness, Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout (re-reading for like the tenth time :) ), Of Neptune by Anna Banks, and The Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck (another favorite that I want to re-read. I've lost count of how many times I've read it).

  16. I've also been trying to find the time to read The Freedom Writers

  17. I am going to try to read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I still have roughly 6 books to go out of the 8 already released....

  18. I am reading light and fluffy contemporary books like kasie west's on the fence, terra lynn childs' fins series.

  19. Wanted by J. Kenner! I just got it in the mail today, so I can't wait to dive into it!! =)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Take care & I hope you have a great day!

    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My goal for the summer is to finish reading the White Queen series by Philippa Gregory, separated by some fun romance/suspense novels.

  22. I am reading the Charley Davidson series and then I am looking forward to Dark Skye and Ugly Love coming out!

    Thanks so much!
    mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

  23. This is so cute!! To name a few, my list is:
    Opposition by JLA
    All Lined Up by (guess who?) Cora Carmack
    Lead by Kylie Scott
    Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire
    More than Meets the Ink by Elle Aycart

  24. My to-read list is:
    Origin and Opposition by JLA
    Poison Study series by Maria V. Snyder
    Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano


  25. Crash into you by Katie McGarry. I live this series

  26. My list includes:

    Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
    Joy, Guilt, Anger, Love by Giovanni Frazzetto

  27. Beauty in the Ashes is my summer read! :) Awesome list.

  28. Summer is almost over here read-only season is knocking on the door... :D
    Few books that I read this summer were Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover, Nazaqat by Shasha H. Singhal, happily murdered by Rasleen Syal :)

  29. I just love this Scavenger Hunt! I'm hoping to finish "Travelling with Pomegranates" and "Back to the Red Road."

  30. My goal this summer is to just catch up on some of my old series. I need to finish The Dresden Files and Merry Gentry series.

  31. The Entire Lords Of The Underworld Series by Gena Showalter

  32. I have just come across a series by Penny Reid called Knitting in the City, that is now on my must read list this summer. Her first book, Neanderthal Seeks Human had me laughing out loud so many times that I am officially hooked to her writing style and this series.

  33. Books by Nalini Singh and whatever good book I come across ;)

  34. Thanks for this fun summer reads contest!
    I just got the Untouchable trilogy from Lindsay Delagair, I am very much looking forward to reading it this summer...
