After long last, more Garrick and Bliss has arrived.
Here's what you need to know:
*KEEPING HER is a novella. That means it's going to be short. And I know (trust me I know) that many of you will wish it had been longer, but the truth of the matter is... it's more than I ever intended to write. I'd always planned LOSING IT to be the end of their story. But because I love you (and you all love them), I decided to squeeze out a little more awkward goodness for you. But Keeping Her really is the last story that will focus solely on Bliss and Garrick. They make appearances in FAKING IT, and (sort of) in FINDING IT. But this is the last book they'll get all to themselves.
*KEEPING HER is also a sequel. It's not rehashing the events of LOSING IT. It takes place AFTER LOSING IT's epilogue. It is not meant to be a standalone. You DO need to read LOSING IT first.
*For now, KEEPING HER is ebook only. There's a possibility it might pop up later as a mass market paperback, but that's not guaranteed. If you don't own an e-reader, you can always download the Nook or Kindle app on your phone or computer.
*The only other territory where rights have sold to Keeping Her is the UK. So far. It releases in the UK on the 15th.
And here's the official synopsis for the novella:

But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization that perhaps they aren't quite as ready for their future as they thought.
As it turns out, the only thing harder than finding love is keeping it.
And now, in honor of the return of Garrick and Bliss... I have some fun news!
First, I'll be donating 20% of all my earned royalties for this book to the charity Planting Peace. You can find out more about Planting Peace here: Planting Peace is a progressive nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of spreading peace in a hurting world. Although the organization operates on a global level, they emphasize the power of one; the ability that each person possesses to make a difference in the world.
I chose Planting Peace because they're a young, passionate non-profit that does work in multiple areas from environmental causes to orphan care to foreign aid to civil rights causes. And they're known for putting as much of the money earned toward charity as possible, rather than to salaries or overhead. They accomplish as much as possible with the money given to them, and I'm excited to be apart of it. I hope you'll check out the charity (and be happy with where your money is going). In particular, their de-worming project is tremendously impressive.
And now for the part you're really waiting for... AN EPIC GIVEAWAY.
In honor of the release of KEEPING HER, we'll have two lucky winners. One will received a signed set of LOSING IT and FAKING IT. And the other...
*drumroll please*
Will have their name (or a name of their choice) featured in my next novella! My next novella (currently untitled) releases early 2014 and focuses on Jackson Hunt, the hero in FINDING IT.
Thanks again for all your love and support. I couldn't do any of this without you guys. And just in case you missed it one of the other dozen times I posted it, you can read the first chapter of Keeping Her AND several bonus chapters from Losing It in Garrick's POV here.